I am pleased to share with you this important publication, “Strategies for Democratic Change” published by the “Democracy Coalition Project“. This is a nongovernmental organization that conducts research and advocacy relating to democracy promotion policies at the national, regional and global levels.
The publication contains a chapter on Togo, writen by Muthony Kamuyu, an impressive and committed woman from Kenya. I was delighted and honored to review the chapter on Togo which I found particularly relevant and original. This kind of contribution on the debate related to the political situation in Togo is important for us. From my point of view, this in-depth analysis shines new light upon the challenges and responsibilities of the Togolese political actors and civil society and the international community regarding the stalled political situation in the country. The DCP’s study underlines the major elements and the reasons of the failure of the democratic transition in Togo after the death of general Eyadema. It also offers some guidelines and landmarks which allow to understand the political impasse of situation. The mediocrity of the ECOWAS’ intervention is underlined with delicacy as well as the overcautiousness of the international community in face of the Gnassingbe regime and its army.
What most interested me in this study is that offers an opening strategy and concrete resolutions, which outline a plausible future for the process of democratization in Togo. I particularly approve of the conclusions relating to the civil society which deserves urgent action in the form of strengthening and capacity building. For me, thisis an appeal to the international community and the organizations working on democracy promotion to pay special attention to Togo.
I deeply recommend you to read this paper. To do this, please click on the title of this article and go to chapter 2. I would like to discuss with you the conclusions of the study. I hope Muthony too could bring us some additional views on the subject if you have some questions for her.
Dany Ayida
Désolé mais l’anglais c’est une bète noire pour moi, j’ai essayé de lire mais je ne comprends rien, on ne peut pas avoir un résumé?
Salut Jeff. Tu as sans doute raison pour la langue. Je vais proposer un résumé de cet ouvrage dans quelques jours. Merci de l’intérêt manifesté.
Hello Dany and All.
This is a great initiative. As you said it, we need this kind of external views on our problems in order to move forward. I think also that you should summarise your article on the Togo chapter so that your readers can give their opinion.Congratulations to Muthony for this job.
Thank you.
Salut Dany
Merci pour ce nouvel espace de debats constructifs que tu nous propose.Malgre la tournure dramatique que prennent les evenements dans notre cher pays(le dernier evenement en date etant le “paraphe”d un accord politique de base par 7 des 9 parties au dialogue national),les patriotes ne doivent pas perdre espoir.Nous devons toujours continuer a penser ,a echanger les idees pour arriver a des solutions pouvant sortir notre pays de l’impasse et le mettrereellement et irremediablement sur la voie de la Democratie.Le chemin parcoure est long mais il nous reste encore du chemin a faire.Les vrais patriotes ,un jour,depasseront leurs divergences de vue et se retrouveront pour faire du Togo, l’or de l humanite.
Bon courage a toi, Dany pour la suite de tes recherches au NED;et j attend avec impatience de lire le resultat de tes recheches sur les strategies a adopter pour construire une democratie viable sur les ruines dun long regime dictatorial.Une tres difficile mais pas impossible transition….
Le debat continue……
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